

The project: ”Memory of rape in wartimes: Women as victims of sexual violence” consists of several equally important elements.

The preliminary phase of the project on social remembrance aims at collecting data and sources, as well as the related Hungarian and international scholarly publications and make the results widely available for the general public.

The preliminary phase of the project on fine arts and visual arts aims at the research of the entangled history of public places, monuments, memorials and the city. The intention is to disseminate knowledge on the context and traditions of raising monuments, as well as the contemporary trends, way of thinking and visual language of commemoration in forms of monuments and memorials.

The international memorial contest aims at the creation of an art work(s) with high quality and with up to date understanding of memory work realised in contemporary visual language, that can be interpreted internationally as well.






Elhallgatva – Háborúkban megerőszakolt nők emlékezete  A nők elleni háborús erőszak társadalmi megítélésének és az emlékezetpolitikai konszenzus formálásának céljából Budapest Főváros Önkormányzata szakmai és civil


Cikk az orosz-ukrán háborúban elkövetett nemi erőszakról

A nemi erőszak és a szexuális bántalmazás, melyet az orosz hadsereg katonái elkövetnek Ukrajnában részét képezik az orosz katonai stratégiának, állítja az ENSZ megfigyelője.–6x62jaFG0XoxEEISrx3shkjWaZR17u4Y0Mvps88M




Sanja Iveković

Workshop, multimedia installation, media work

1998 – work in progress

Women's House Project workshop BAK, Utrecht 2009 -048


The Women's House project started in 1998. Conceived by artist Sanja Iveković it is an international collaboration project realized as site specific installations and printed materials (texts, postcards, posters, etc). On occasions the project is also presented to the public through press conferences and video screenings.

The first phase of the project consists of establishing a contact with the local shelter for abused women where artist conducts a workshop in close collaboration with the women living in the shelter. During the workshop casts of the faces of the women are produced along with short life stories written by the woman themselves. The women's «masks» and texts are then installed according to the artist's concept of the installation in a specific exhibition space.

Women's House, Workshop, BAK, Utrecht,2008
Women's House, installation, Kunstverein Cologne,2006_lowres

So far the collaboration has been made with The Autonomous House in Zagreb, The Fraenhaus in Luxembourg, The Bangkok Emergency Home in Bangkok, Safe House in Peje, Kosova, Casa per le donne in Genova, The Center for Women and Children in Belgrade, Vie-Ja in Utrecht and Mor Cati in Istanbul.